Friday, April 5, 2013

What is a crazy person to do?

As a teacher candidate at Prairie View A&M University I am juggling being a student while preparing myself to lead a classroom.  I recognize the stress that myself and my peers are under and  find myself often pondering how a lack of motivation and excitement, in some people, will ever turn into characteristics of an effective teacher.  After learning about B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning I sometimes wonder if these individuals are a product of ineffective motivation.  I have found that an overwhelmingly large amount of teachers, educators and school officials in general complain TOO much about how their students behave.  WHAT are the educators doing to obtain the desired outcomes? As the adults, we are responsible for directing our class in the manner that we see fit in order to get the results that we are requiring.

The conclusion I settled on is that the stress levels of everyone involved are sky high!!! Many students are dealing with an abundant amount of issues that no child should be dealing with, it does not help the situation when the adult involved does not know how or care to educate themselves on ways to help the student and eventually help themselves in the process.  If the educators would get their lives together they could begin to help the people whom they are in charge of.


  1. Could it also be the conditioning that elementary students get drops off by junior high? In first grade, students know that if they behave or print their work neatly, they will get a gold star / a sticker / a ticket / a coin / a smiley face. They strive to collect these rewards rather than to behave or do good work for the sake of those things.

    Then, once they are older, the prizes go away. Homework...just because? They may say, I thought the whole point of this was that the teacher would give me STUFF. My parents will pay me for grades. School is something I do to get things from adults, not for knowledge or the satisfaction of achievement.

  2. I agree with you, it seems like now days teachers have lost their ambition and strive to teach.

  3. I agree with what you are saying. Teacher's do have personal problems just like normal people but they need to need to leave all attitudes at the door.

  4. in all aspacts of life it is important to manage stress but when it come to educating children I think it is paramount to stay level headed because it can get stressful at times
